Content ID Claims

“Content ID” (or CID) is a fingerprinting tool for copyright owners to easily identify and manage their content on YouTube and other social networks. Videos uploaded to YouTube are scanned against a database of files.

In order to fight illegal use of musical contents, we were forced to register some of our tracks with Content ID as if we didn’t do it, somebody could illegally have register them before us: this is very important as it gives us full control over our music, allowing us to promptly clear a copyright claim for a customer who has purchased a regular license.

Those tracks registered with Content ID are clearly indicated on our website and in some of our partner licensing platforms. In particular, on, near the description of that particular file you will see an alert message similar to this one below:

× | This track is registered with Youtube Content ID. In case you receive a standard copyright claim, please upload your license’s receipt to YouTube or fill this form and we will clear your claim straight away. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any problem.

For our CID management we partnered with Identifyy by Haawk, a team of YouTube Certified Content ID specialists.

So, how to clear a copyright claim from Content ID?

As stated in the message above, if you purchased a license for a track and you want to clear this annoying notification on your video, you have 3 easy options:

  • If you still have a receipt for your license you can upload it to YouTube yourself;
  • You can fill the form below and we will clear the claim for you straight away;
  • If you can’t find the license’s receipt and can’t remeber when you purchased the track you can send us an email with as many details as possible and we will solve the claim for you as well.

In any case, wether you purchased a license from or from any of our affiliate sites, there’s nothing to worry about: it’s a standard procedure and buyers solve claims in a snap

Will buyers loose money during a claim?

No. But they shouldn’t wait with the claim clearance dispute. Whole system is well-thought, here’s more about it.

Fill the form below and we’ll be happy to release the claim on your video.

For more infos, watch this video: