What is “Content ID” and why did I get a copyright claim from Youtube?
“Content ID” (or CID) is a fingerprinting tool for copyright owners to easily identify and manage their content on YouTube and other social networks. Videos uploaded to YouTube are scanned against a database of files and identified when carrying a CID fingerprinted music.
Please note a Content ID claim is not a copyright strike: a claim does not affect the status of your Youtube Channel in any way.
In order to fight illegal use of musical contents, we were forced to register some of our tracks with Content ID as if we didn’t do it, somebody could illegally have registered them before us: this is very important as it gives us full control over our music, allowing us to promptly clear a copyright claim for a customer who has purchased a regular license.
Those tracks registered with Content ID are clearly indicated on our website and in some of our partner licensing platforms. In particular, on pinegroove.net, near the description of that specific track you will see an alert message similar to the one below:
For our CID management we partnered with Identifyy by Haawk, a team of YouTube Certified Content ID specialists. If you used one of our fingerprinted tracks in your video you might find a similar statement in your description field:
- Artist: Francesco Biondi
- Licensed to YouTube by: HAAWK for a 3rd Party (on behalf of Francesco Biondi); HAAWK Publishing
So, how to clear a copyright claim from Content ID?
As stated in the message above, if you purchased a license for a track and you want to clear this annoying notification on your video, you have 3 easy options:
Option A
Dispute on Youtube
If you have a receipt for your license you can dispute the claim yourself by following these guidelines.
When submitting your dispute, select the option that you have a license for the track, and include the following message in your dispute:
“I am paying member of … [indicate the website where you got your license] and I have the rights to use this track on my YouTube video”
followed by a copy and paste of the license you receive with your downloads.
Option B
Fill out Haawks’ form
For HAAWK’s Identifyy, you can go to this page and fill out their useful form:
- Select “Release a Haawk Claim on a Video”;
- Enter your video URL;
- Enter your name and email;
- In the additional message report this text: “I purchased a regular sync license for using this music on … [indicate the website where you got your license]”.
The claim should be released within a few hours, if you encounter any problems please use our Option C.
Option C
Ask for our assistance
In any case, whether you purchased a license from pinegroove.net or from any of our affiliate sites, there’s nothing to worry about: it’s a standard procedure and buyers solve claims in a snap.
Will video creators loose money during a claim?
No. But they shouldn’t wait with the claim clearance dispute. Besides, even if monetization is not the main purpose of your video, clearing a claim should be a priority if you want to avoid ads placements. Whole system is well-thought, here’s more about it.
Can I have my entire channel whitelisted?
We would love to help our trustful clients make their uploading process as simple and smooth as possible, but we are not always able to whitelist an entire channel, as it is not always up to us. For example, if you have other pending claims from other authors on your channel, it will not be possible for us to fully release your channel, we’ll only be able to clear those specific videos in which our music is used.
Fill this form and clear your claim now:
For more infos, watch this video: